I'm very excited to announce our once a year only Black Friday sale. This sale is extremely valuable, because you're able to get 30% off the products you life for the rest of your life.*
If you're not familiar, you are normally able to save 10% off of the products you love by creating a subscription for it. These subscriptions are the best way to get your products, as it ensures they're always ready to ship to you and at the best price too!
To celebrate Black Friday, from November 19th until November 27th, any subscriptions created will receive a total of 30% off list pricing for initial order creation AND subscription renewals. We repeat. This is the only time of year this sale will happen. As long as you keep that subscription active, you will continue to receive that 30% off of the order for life. (Cancel it after the sale, and sadly you won't be able to take advantage of this again until next year)
To make your subscription for 30% off for life, just navigate to your favorite products, select your subscription term, and check out.
No code needed to take advantage of this Black Friday offer. It automatically applies at checkout.
Note: This sale is unable to be combined with our daily specials such as Munchie Monday, Tincture Tuesday, etc. In addition, it may not be combined with other sales. It, however, does combine with Senior, First Responder, Veteran, and Trusted Agent offers